Independent schools like ours rely on different funding sources than public, parochial, or charter schools.
For MCDS, most, but not all, operating revenue comes from tuition. We rely on individual gifts from our community to close the 10-12% gap in our budget.
The MCDS Guide to Giving provides a comprehensive overview of volunteering and fundraising at MCDS.
Ways to Give
There are many ways to give, including donating or pledging online, sending in a check, setting-up recurring monthly donations through a credit card or the school’s billing program, or gifting stock (which allows donors to get a tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock and avoid capital gain from selling the securities).
MCDS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; all donations made to MCDS are tax-deductible. The school’s FEIN is 39-1832986.
We are All-In!
This year’s MCDS Annual Fund goal is to achieve 100% family participation in supporting our school and our students. Most families designate their gifts to the “Greatest Need,” but gifts can also be designated to help fund our top three priorities: