
MCDS ranked #3 in Best Private K-12 Schools and #3 Best Private High Schools in Wisconsin.


We’re thrilled to announce that we have been recognized as a 2023 Best School by Niche.

This year, we ranked as:

#1 (of 4) Best College Prep Private High Schools in Dane County
#1 (of 7) Most Diverse Private High Schools in Dane County
#2 (of 19) Best High Schools for STEM in Dane County
#3 (of 82) Best Private High Schools in Wisconsin
#3 (of 32) Best Private K-12 Schools in Wisconsin

We've earned this ranking by scoring highly in many factors that aim to capture what it’s really like to attend MCDS. While we’ve always known that MCDS is a wonderful place to learn and grow, we are proud of our students and staff for earning these local and state-wide distinctions. You can check out MCDS’s profile and see the full list of 2023 rankings, methodologies, and data sources over at Thanks again to our community for working hard every day to make MCDS worthy of recognition.