
Making MCDS Affordable

Madison Country Day School works individually and confidentially to offer various payment plans, Tailored Tuition (tuition assistance) and merit scholarships to bring an MCDS education within financial reach.

Tailored Tuition

MCDS’ robust Tailored Tuition program supports efforts to enroll qualified students regardless of financial status. MCDS values socioeconomic diversity and strives to enroll students from varying financial backgrounds to reflect the surrounding community.  We launched Tailored Tuition to break down barriers that prevent families from exploring if MCDS could be the right school for their child(ren) to learn and grow.

Families with children entering kindergarten through grade 12 are eligible to apply for Tailored Tuition by submitting a Clarity application each year. The Clarity app will prompt families to answer a number of questions about the family's budget, including both expenses and assets.  Eligibility is determined by considering multiple factors such as income, student loans, business ownership, assets, multiple children at a tuition charging school, caring for elderly family members, change in job status, other debt and more. Click here for a Quick Reference Guide to applying

Apply for Tailored Tuition via Clarity



Rising Hawk Scholarship

The Rising Hawk Scholarship program is a merit scholarship available to new students applying to MCDS for grades 5-11. Recipients have demonstrated a commitment to their community by getting involved and developing skills that show a fierce work ethic. 

Learn more about the Rising Hawk Scholarship


Reimbursements and Tax Benefits

Learn more about reimbursements and tax benefits




of MCDS families receive Tailored Tuition.


grades are eligible for Tailored Tuition.


Average award of Tailored Tuition


students enrolled at MCDS received a Tailored Tuition award in the 2024-25 school year



Tailored Tuition
Case Studies

These case studies are only examples. Every family situation is different, and our process ensures we consider each family's unique circumstances.


Case Study #1

Stacy and Dan have two children, ages 8 and 12; both at MCDS

  • Combined adjusted gross income is $82,000
  • They have a total of $51,000 in retirement and savings
  • Other factors considered by Clarity: student loans and mortgage


Tailored Tuition for each child at MCDS:


Case Study #2

Hannah and James have three children, ages 3, 7, and 13; the eldest two children attend MCDS

  • Combined adjusted gross income is $142,000
  • They have a total of $247,000 in retirement, savings, investments and real estate
  • Other factors considered by Clarity: post retirement contributions and debt

Tailored Tuition at MCDS:

Case Study #3

Paul and John have two children, ages 5 and 9; both enrolled at MCDS

  • Combined adjusted gross income is $190,000
  • They have a total of $200,000 in retirement and savings
  • Other factors considered by Clarity: mortgage and credit card debt


Tailored Tuition for each child at MCDS:

Case Study #4

Alex and Casey have three children, ages 11, 14 and 16; all at MCDS

  • Combined adjusted gross income is $280,000
  • They have a total of $950,000 in retirement, savings, investments and real estate
  • Other factors considered by Clarity: childcare costs and student loans

Tailored Tuition for each child at MCDS:
Family does not qualify for Tailored Tuition and pays full tuition rate



Tuition by Division



2025-26 Tuition:



Pre-Kindergarten students are not eligible for Tailored Tuition.


Payment Plans:

2025-26 Pre-K tuition payment plans

View PDF of payment plans


Additional Fees

There are both required and optional fees that apply to each MCDS student, and your student’s final fees depend on uniforms, lunch choices, athletic participation, extracurriculars, and other program selections. Financial aid is available upon request for all additional fees. Once a student is enrolled at MCDS, we are committed to the student receiving the full MCDS experience regardless of financial circumstances. 

Pre-K-Grade 4

  • School supplies
  • $100 annual Parent Guild Fee. The fee will allow Parent Guild to focus on its mission of building community and fostering volunteerism instead of fundraising.
  • Bus transportation
  • Lunch
  • Milk
  • School portraits
  • Yearbook
  • Extended Day program
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Summer Discovery program (June through August)
  • Annual Fund donation




2025-26 Tuition:




Payment Plans:

2025-26 Kindergarten tuition payment plans

View PDF of payment plans


K Tailored Tuition ranges from:

$5,000 <—————————> $21,499


Additional Fees

There are both required and optional fees that apply to each MCDS student, and your student’s final fees depend on uniforms, lunch choices, athletic participation, extracurriculars, and other program selections. Financial aid is available upon request for all additional fees. Once a student is enrolled at MCDS, we are committed to the student receiving the full MCDS experience regardless of financial circumstances. 

Pre-K-Grade 4

  • Uniforms, our MCDS used uniform sales provide many discounted options. (Not required for Pre-K)
  • School supplies
  • $100 annual Parent Guild Fee. The fee will allow Parent Guild to focus on its mission of building community and fostering volunteerism instead of fundraising.
  • Bus transportation
  • Lunch
  • Milk
  • School portraits/yearbook
  • Extended Day program
  • Extracurricular activities, theatre productions, and athletics
  • Music competition
  • Summer Discovery program (June through August)
  • Annual Fund donation

Grades 1–4 (Lower School)


2025-26 Tuition:



Payment Plans:

2025-26 Lower School tuition payment plans

View PDF of payment plans


Lower School Tailored Tuition ranges from: 

$5,000 <—————————> $23,733



Additional Fees

There are both required and optional fees that apply to each MCDS student, and your student’s final fees depend on uniforms, lunch choices, athletic participation, extracurriculars, and other program selections. Financial aid is available upon request for all additional fees. Once a student is enrolled at MCDS, we are committed to the student receiving the full MCDS experience regardless of financial circumstances. 

Pre-K-Grade 4

  • Uniforms, our MCDS used uniform sales provide many discounted options. (Not required for Pre-K)
  • School supplies
  • $100 annual Parent Guild Fee. The fee will allow Parent Guild to focus on its mission of building community and fostering volunteerism instead of fundraising.
  • Bus transportation
  • Lunch
  • Milk
  • School portraits/yearbook
  • Extended Day program
  • Extracurricular activities, theatre productions, and athletics
  • Music competition
  • Summer Discovery program (June through August)
  • Annual Fund donation

Grades 5–8 (Middle School)


2025-26 Tuition:



Payment Plans:

2025-26 Middle School tuition payment plans

View PDF of payment plans


Middle School Tailored Tuition ranges from:
$5,000 <—————————> $24,527



Additional Fees

There are both required and optional fees that apply to each MCDS student, and your student’s final fees depend on uniforms, lunch choices, athletic participation, extracurriculars, and other program selections. Financial aid is available upon request for all additional fees. Once a student is enrolled at MCDS, we are committed to the student receiving the full MCDS experience regardless of financial circumstances. 

Grade 5-8

  • Uniforms, our MCDS used uniform sales provide many discounted options.
  • School supplies
  • Technology Fee: MCDS will provide students in grades five through eight with a Chromebook including pre-loaded applications and licences. The chromebook price for all new MS students will be $350/student. This price includes the chromebook, case, and minor repairs.
  • $100 annual Parent Guild Fee. The fee will allow Parent Guild to focus on its mission of building community and fostering volunteerism instead of fundraising.
  • Bus transportation
  • Lunch
  • Milk
  • School portraits/yearbook
  • Extended Day program
  • Extracurricular activities, theatre productions, and athletics
  • Eighth grade class trip to Washington, DC (student fundraising can offset this expense)
  • Various music program expenses (instrument rental, music competition fees, etc.)
  • Summer Discovery program (June through August)
  • Annual Fund donation

Grades 9–12 (High School)


2025-26 Tuition:



Payment Plans:

2025-26 High School tuition payment plans

View PDF of payment plans


High School Tailored Tuition ranges from:
$5,000 <—————————> $25,706




Additional Fees

There are both required and optional fees that apply to each MCDS student, and your student’s final fees depend on uniforms, lunch choices, athletic participation, extracurriculars, and other program selections. Financial aid is available upon request for all additional fees. Once a student is enrolled at MCDS, we are committed to the student receiving the full MCDS experience regardless of financial circumstances. 

Grade 9-12

  • School supplies
  • Laptop or Chromebook
  • Graduation fee (grade 12 only)
  • $100 annual Parent Guild Fee. The fee will allow Parent Guild to focus on its mission of building community and fostering volunteerism instead of fundraising.
  • Bus transportation
  • Lunch
  • Milk
  • School portraits/yearbook
  • Extracurricular activities, theatre productions, and sports
  • Various music program expenses (instrument rental, music (competition fees, etc.)
  • Dances/Socials (Prom, Homecoming, etc.)
  • Exchange programs with Ecuador, Spain or Japan (student fundraising can offset this expense)
  • IB Diploma testing fees (required for IB Diploma candidate students only)
  • Annual Fund donation




Reimbursements and
Tax Benefits



Wisconsin Tuition Tax Deduction

Parents may deduct up to $4,000 of tuition per student in grades Kindergarten through eight, and up to $10,000 of tuition per high school student. Use the identifying number (FEIN) 39-1832986 for the Schedule PS Private School Tuition form.



Use of Section 529 Plans to Pay Tuition

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 contains a provision that allows use of Section 529 savings to pay for private K-12 education up to $10,000 per year, per child starting in 2018. Establishing and funding a Section 529 plan can provide significant tax benefits. See your investment advisor and CPA for more information.



Transportation Reimbursement

Reimbursement for your transportation expenses may be available depending on your home school district. Commutes need to be further than two miles and other restrictions may apply.  Please check with your district.



Tailored Tuition

New Families:

Step 1: Apply

Submit application for Tailored Tuition via Clarity at the same time as the application for admission.

Step 2: Decision

Most admission decisions and Tailored Tuition decisions are communicated 2-3 weeks after submission.

Step 3: Award Letter

Award letter is sent to families communicating the Tailored Tuition rate.

Step 4: Contract

5-7 days after award letter, contract is due

Step 5: Deposit

Deposit will be due on February 1 or 10-14 days from date of contract being signed, whichever is later.

Returning MCDS Families:

Step 1: Apply

Submit application for Tailored Tuition via Clarity by January 8 to receive notification of award letter by January 26

Step 2: Deposit

Deposit will be due on February 1 or 10-14 days from date of award letter, whichever is later.